New Meeting! Monday at 12:30 to 1:30 “An hour of power!” Prayer for revival! Join Zoom Meeting ID: 862 4099 6171
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+17789072071,,86240996171# Canada
+14388097799,,86240996171# CanadaNew Meeting! Friday at 7pm to 9pm. Prayer for Youth and Young Adults

Meeting ID: 817 5611 7329
Password: 631913
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+15873281099,,81756117329#,,#,631913# Canada
+16473744685,,81756117329#,,#,631913# Canada

New this Year! Every 1st Friday of every month we host a City Praise Night at 7pm This Friday night, join us to Praise Him who brought us out of darkness into His wonderful light. 7pm.

Note to Worshipers: We invite worshipers to offer a song of praise, Facebook me if you are able to participate in order to coordinate. all the information is in this evite to join on zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting every 1st Friday of every month.

Meeting ID: 831 9523 7289
Password: 028108
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+15873281099,,83195237289#,,1#,028108# Canada
+16473744685,,83195237289#,,1#,028108# Canada