\o/ Our Daily Prayer Schedule \o/ We have changed the schedule during covid. Please go to www.burningheartsprayer.com for upcoming meetings on Zoom or live as it is possible. We do want to share that we started a 24/7 Virtual Upper Room and we are doing meetings on zoom. If you like to join in prayer or invite someone to pray with you in the virtual room, message us and we will send you the link. Blessings beloved and may the Lord give you the desires of your heart as you delight in Him.
The following gatherings will be outdoors downtown in a park. (Email us for details)bhhop.ottawa@gmail.com
Sunday 12:00 meet in person in a park
Prayed and power evangelism in the park
Monday 1:00 pm Virtual
Prayer for Revival
Tuesday 8 pm – 10 pm Virtual
Ladies meeting in Tigrenia language
Wednesday at 9:30 am meet in person in a park
Praise, worship and prayer for people in the park
Thursday’s 6:00 pm Virtual
Missionaries Here & Abroad
Friday’s at 5:00 PM Children praying
Other than the times above The Virtual room is open for all to come in and pray, invite your prayer partners or prayer groups to join in prayer using Burning Hearts House of Prayer Upper Room Zoom link.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86428680869?pwd=VnFFMDhreWtLOW1lMzdPYUo1bTRJQT09 Passcode 539352
Saturday 11:15 prayer and power evangelism in the park.
**People are also invited to come and serve by praying for others as well as receiving personal prayer. Please email us if you would like to become a volunteer in this important ministry. bhhop.ottawa@gmail.com