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Now on ZOOM 24/7

We are still Praying. Burning Hearts House of Prayer is on Zoom 24/7. It’s a house of prayer for all nations and we pray in many languages.

We are always on the look out for Intercessors to help us at BHHOP. If you are interested in leading a prayer time or leading worship please let us know? We would love to have you join our team!


Invitation for Intercessors and worshippers. 

Sundays at 12:45 in person at Dundonald park, we are looking for intercessors and worshippers to minister to the Lord and pray for protection for those who are sharing the gospel with people in the park. We need people to sign up for a two week shift. Please pray about joining us and email us at to sign up.  

Sundays 7:00am every Sunday. Prayer for Lebanon and the middle East, you are welcome to join us to pray in Arabic, French or English.

Mondays: 1:00pm-2:00pm,” An Hour of Power” Praying for revival

Tuesday 8:00pm Eritrian ladies Praying in Tigrinya language

Wednesdays: 9:30am in person We are meeting in Dundonald Park every Wednesday at 9:30 am for worship, praise and prayer! Join us as we lift the Lord up so He can bring down the darkness off our city. As we lift Him up, He will inhabit our praises and draw all men unto Himself John 12:32

Wednesdays at 1:00pm Join us to meet missionaries sharing their stories and pray for them and the harvest

Friday at 5:00 pm children praising and praying in(French) Psalm 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Families are invited to join these families with children learning how to praise our Lord and silencing the foe and the avenger. These children are taught to make Jesus Lord of their life.

Saturdays at 12:45 in person at Dundonald park, we are looking for intercessors and worshippers to minister to the Lord and pray for protection and for fruit for those who are sharing the gospel with people in the park. We need people to sign up for a two week shift. Please pray about joining us and email us at to sign up. 

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 864 2868 0869

Passcode: 539352

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